Sunday, March 22, 2009
Officer Arthur
The Big Thaw
Some updates on Soren and Ingrid.... Ingrid has changed so quickly during this 9th month, I can hardly keep up with her. She has two big top teeth pushing their way thru, it's rough, but she's handling it really well. She is a very busy and determined little person. Most recently she has started pulling herself up to standing and is very proud of this acheivement. I simply cannot get enough of Ingrid. She has started playing baby games like peek-a-boo, so-big and has started making the sign for "more"....which usually refers to more food. She loves her food. At her last doctor's appointment she was the picture of health and weighed in at 19lbs.
Soren is making great progress on the potty!! I found out that he is motivated by jellybeans. We recently read a book about kids who go on a jellybean hunt - so when he goes on the potty and he picks out a jellybean, he throws it on the floor and yells, "jellybean hunt!!" then he "finds" it and eats it. Whatever works! I'm thrilled that we're making some progress, as I was having serious doubts.
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