Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Baking cookies with a curious monkey

I made an attempt to make cookies with Soren... this was not as easy as I had hoped, he was more interested in throwing the dough, rather than making fine round balls for the cookie sheet. We had fun though, especially since it was a snowy day and we were cozy inside.
Last weekend Chris took Soren to meet Curious George at Barnes and Noble - Soren LOVED it!

1 comment:

thamesarino said...

SOOOO cute! yeah, any kind of craft here is not ever what I was hoping for! but we do always have fun, just as long as I remember that it is about them having fun not what my actual goal was!! : )
and then when they have naptime I do the thing I wanted to do by myself!! ; )
thanks for the comment about Emily! I'm hoping here too!
have a good day Joan... I LOVE getting to see a little into your days there! : )